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Our Menus

Children are offered two snacks and a homemade lunch everyday. All food served at the centre is prepared on site by our centre cook. We encourage children to try new foods, especially vegetables. We ask that children not bring food from home unless there is a food restriction or sensitivity. We are an allergy aware centre but Peanut Butter and products that (may)contain nuts are served.

We are happy to accommodate special dietary needs of children based on health issues or religious beliefs. (Gluten Free, Lactose Free, Vegan, etc)  In these cases, families are responsible to provide an alternative meal for their child to be served at lunch time. This food should be healthy and approved by the centre ahead of time.

We have four menus that we follow. They are posted in the main entrances of the centre for parents to see what will be for lunch that day. Any child that requires a special food/diet will be given the menu at registration. If there will be any changes to the menu families will be notified the day before if possible. Menus are available in Forms and Information section.

Sample Menu: Week #1


                  Monday                     Tuesday                        Wednesday                    Thursday                  Friday


Am Snack         Cereal                     Rice Cakes                      Fruit Salad                      Bagels                   Yogurt

                          Milk                    (Jam/Peanut Butter/Butter)                          Crackers                (Jam/Peanut Butter/Butter)             Granola

                                                                                            Milk                                 Milk                             Milk                        Milk



Lunch               Meat                        Baked Ham                     Sloppy Joes                   Pork Roast           Chicken Soup

                      Goulash                          Rice                            Vegetables               Mashed Potatoes         Crackers

                         Milk                         Vegetables                           Milk                          Vegetables                 Milk

                                                             Milk                                                                      Milk



Pm Snack        Apples                Blueberry Muffins                    Trail Mix                  Carrot Muffins          Veggie Tray     

                       Crackers                        Milk                                 Juice                             Milk                   Ranch Dip

                    Peanut Butter                                                                                                                              Milk




If you have any questions in regards to the menu or details about the food being prepared and served please feel free to call the centre for more information!


Special occasions such as Christmas, Halloween, Easter and other times throughout the year our centre has special treat days. These will be posted ahead of time for everyone to be aware of.

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